10 places must visit in Jeju, Korea

10 Places Must-Visit in Jeju Island, South Korea

Jeju Island is one of the 7 new wonders! The reasons that why you should visit Jeju Island in South Korea. Jeju, one of the 7 wonders...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Appreciation Video from LeX Paradise Contest Winner!

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Hi Guys! Thanks again for your interest and participation in the contest! There will be more contests coming soon :) Well! As you all know that the winner of 1st ever LeX Paradise contest (Sponsor by AirAsia X) had announced, if you yet to know about it, you can take a look here > Contest Winner Announcement! The contest winner had made an appreciation video for this contest from his country!! Impressive and amazing! Thank you so...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

LeX Paradise Contest Winner Announcement!

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Thank you all for participating in LeXparadise Contest "Win a round trip ticket to South Korea!" sponsor by AirAsia X. Many amazing response had received and I am speechless about it. Obviously, many of you have been cracking your heads, answering all the LeXParadise questions and tweet & suggest Facebook page in the past few days. Please give yourself a pat on the back! Well! let's take a look! who will be the only winner of  the1st...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No to war but peace between N & S. Korea!

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After a day of the incident happened between North & South Korea! Now both parties are waiting for further action to be taken! US has announced in the military support on South Korea! At least 2 civilians and 2 soldiers were killed! Source 1 & 2. The incident had causes the regional economy down turn! So, everyone out there! please say no to war but peace between N & S. Korea!! Please tweet & retweet...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2010 YG Family Concert!

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Hi guys! Now YG Entertainment is going to hold the "2010 YG Family Concert". The two-day concert on 4th and 5th December at Seoul Olympic Athletic Stadium! This year YG Entertainment will be bringing together their hottest stars - 2NE1, Gummy, Se7en, and Big Bang with also PSY be joining together on stage as the newest family members. 36,000 members audience is open for sale and tickets start selling fast...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Win a round-trip ticket to South Korea with LeX Paradise !

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The Contest Officially ended. Thanks for your participation!Deadline Extended to 22th November 2010, 23:59, Malaysia time! LeX Paradise calling for entries in an amazing "Travel to South Korea Contest". This is the first ever contest being held in LeX Paradise! If you dream about going to Korea or miss your family and friends in Korea? Then this is a chance for you! The competition is to give away a South Korea round trip ticket (Sponsor...